Trenitalia Regional Trains

These are trains that travel short to medium distances. They do not offer much in terms of comfort and are quite slow, but the fares that they offer are cheaper than the InterCity trains. On the downside, they can get crowded, especially in the early morning and late afternoon (peak times), since they are used by commuters.

They are excellent means to travel from village to village or from one main city or town to nearby villages. As they are mainly used for short trips, they do not allow seat reservations, so, if you are travelling in peak times you may find it difficult to find a free seat and you may have to stand.

Because these trains are generally used for shorter trips they have very little luggage space. Some interregional trains offer food and drinks but most do not, so it's always a good idea to take your own refreshments.

Should you wish to find out more about Italian night trains, or any other Trenitalia services please do not hesitate to contact us.

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Images courtesy of Trenitalia © Archivio Ferrovie dello Sato Italianea